Damn Fine Comics:

This is just a list of comics I read on a regular basis. If you haven't read these yet . . . uh . . . What are you doing here?

Because sometimes you just want to read about gorgeous, angsty, sexually frustrated vampires. Well I do, anyway.

Very sweet, very Swedish. Has an adorable (and believable) boys' love storyline.

Gorgeous, angsty, sexually frustrated gods. Includes the creation of the world, the destruction of the world, and the insertion of David Bowie lyrics at moments of high dramatic tension.

The cat commands you. You cannot resist the cat. Read this. I mean it. Leave now, drop whatever you're doing--stop writing your final/thesis/dissertation, stop eating whatever meal you're on, stop having sex, stop saving the world from evil masterminds--and read this. All of it.

Now two cats command you. Seriously, don't you want to be the captain of the carpet ship? (This is a great comic to read out loud with your friend and/or loved one. You can tell a lot about the relationship by which one of you chooses to voice Eben and which one of you chooses to read Snooch.)

Strong plot, believable characters, gorgeous artwork.

YU+ME Incredibly cute girls' love story. Balances melodrama with a healthy dose of humor.

Quality action/adventure in space. Reminiscent of Irresponsible Captain Tylor, and that's always a good thing.

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